Safe & Accepting Schools

Safe and Accepting Schools Team

As outlined in Policy/Program Memorandum (PPM) No. 144, “Bullying Prevention and Intervention”, schools must have in place a Safe and Accepting Schools Team. This team is responsible for fostering a safe, inclusive and, accepting school climate that must be chaired by a staff member and include the principal, at least one parent, teacher, non-teaching staff member, or community partner. It should also include at least one student.

Safe and Accepting Schools Team Members – <Enter Year>

School:Hepworth Central Public School

Chair: Andrea Parsons

Principal/Vice-Principal: Pam Mielhausen

Teacher: Leanne Christie

Non-Teaching Staff: Melena McGregor

Student: Michele Coture and Avery Gates

Parent: Jacqueline Wilson

Community Partner: NA


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